User experience, and rather a good user experience is key to attract repeat visitors to your website.
User experience is becoming a big part of web design. More and more web designers are turning to simplicity with every design that they complete. Instead of opting for complex web elements, videos, specialty navigation bars and more, there are many web designers and web design companies that are focusing more and more on a responsive web design. A responsive web design translates the user interface to multiple devices whether they are tablets, smart phones, PCs or different web browsers. With this easily operated user interface it’s possible that designers and webmasters can create more mobile engagement and a better level of participation from each visitor.
The good news about responsive web design is that it’s making its way to platforms like WordPress. There are new plug-ins that can be used to create mobile user interfaces and to ensure that any WordPress website can be easily transferred and accessed across multiple browsers and devices. Having this responsive web design ensures that your content can still be displayed across tablet interfaces and on smart phones.
When it comes to users accessing webpages on the go using mobile devices and tablets it’s important to consider that this market is constantly growing. We know that a responsive web design is now required as over 1.2 billion people in 2013 reported having accessed the web from their mobile device. For businesses especially, a responsive web design is essential as over 60% of the consumer market in the United States in 2013 had access to a smart phone that they regularly browsed the Internet on. A large portion of these consumers are using their smart phones in the store to find better deals or before they go to visit a retail location or store to check out a product.
While it is important to have a professional web design, one of the most important aspects for web design in 2015 is to create a responsive web design that’s transferable across multiple devices and that ensures all of your content can be accessed no matter where the user is viewing your webpage.