Creating a Website
With the marketing world constantly changing, it’s essential to always be prepared, especially if you own your own small business. When it comes to developing an online presence for your small business, it’s best to go big so you don’t put a limit on exposure potential! Don’t know where to start? If you’re just getting started with your digital marketing efforts, there are a few things you need to keep in mind.
Tips every business should use when creating a website
Of course every small business needs their own quality domain name that is easy to remember and just as easy to search for. The development of your website plays a huge role in the overall experience you provide to your customers or clients, so you want to make sure you offer straightforward categories for your visitors to browse, your fonts are easy to read, and that your websites design is free of clutter. In order for your guests to find what they’re looking for, you also want to make means of navigation and calls to action easily accessible.
For businesses, simple designs are usually the best choice because they’re the most user friendly and look best across all platforms. Since most web traffic is now coming from mobile devices, it’s extremely important that your design is responsive. This means you must ensure your website can be easily accessed from smart phones, tablets, PCs, and different web browsers. Also, try to stay away from designs that use Flash as this can slow your speed down which can cause frustration for your customers and discourage them from returning.
Developing your brand online can be a challenging task, but you have to try and use your website from the end users point of view to get a better idea as to what you need and what you don’t need. Asking others to test your website and taking customer feedback into consideration can also be extremely helpful in deciding which design works best for you and your small business.